Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Livestrong and prosper ...

So, are you looking at that yellow wristband any different today?
Will you still buy Livestrong shorts? Shirts? Running shoes?
Those are the questions that people are asking in the aftermath of the Lance Armstrong doping scandal.
As we know, he was the face of American cycling which, to be frank, was probably only followed by most of us during the Tour de France.
Nonetheless, his comeback from testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs and brain to win the event year after year after year after ..., well it's simply remarkable.
But he apparently - at least according to teammates and opponents - had used so-called performance enhancing drugs to keep his world-class level skills.
On the other hand, it seems, with the other international cyclists who have been kicked out of the sport as well as Armstrong's former teammates and opponents, that maybe the sport itself needs to be cleaned up because of the rampant doping.
In the meantime, Armstrong - who continues to deny the allegations - has resigned as head of the Lance Armstrong Foundation and was dropped by his primary sponsor, Nike.
He resigned so the Livestrong charity can concentrate on its fund-raising mission instead of Armstrong's problems.
I've worn and will still wear the yellow wristbands. I also have worn pink wristbands and blue wristbands, which support the fight against prostate cancer.
I still wear Livestrong Nike running shoes. They actually used to belong to my son, Bo, but he outgrew them before he wore them out.
Armstrong will still be the face of the organization and will be speaking Friday at its 15th anniversary gala. His reputation as a cyclist will forever be tarnished but we should recognize him for his work and the charity which helped raise more than $500 million to battle cancer.
Some people call him a con man, that they were duped into believing in Armstrong.
Well, I'm not one. He didn't dupe me into believing in him, I believed - and still believe - in the cause which is far greater than any person.
Live strong.

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