Friday, October 19, 2012

The art of the blog ,,,

Though I've been a writer for more than three decades, when friends urged me to start blogging I was hesitant.
For some reason, I looked at blogging as something foreign.
But when I began to think about it, I came to the realization that it isn't that different from what I have been doing for newspapers since 1978.
Blogging for some is cathartic, a release. It's similar to "journaling," a way to let go of those inner tensions or escape from the struggles of day-to-day living.
Others, like my good friend Becky Wilkenson, blog about their lives with experiences that we can identify with.
Her blog - found at - is called "The Extra Penny."
In her words, "So if we give our two cents worth but are only given a penny for our thoughts, where is the extra penny? I have it!"
She calls her work - which is enjoyable because we either know someone in the story or can see ourselves in there - "random thoughts from a circuitous mind."
A mother of two, Becky has stories to tell and she tells them in a enjoyable, easy-to-read way.
Blogs are also written like a diary or chronicle.
Rick Lippincott, one of my high school classmates, wrote what could've been called a blog - this was 1969-73, before the Internet - about life in high school.
He called it "Astroprison" and changed the names of school officials, teachers and students while enjoying a bit of embellishing about the activities at Pennsville Memorial High School.
"Astroprison" has not been published but if blogs were around at that time, it would have been.
Bloggers are also reporters or commentators, providing information or commentary on all issues of the day.
And you too, if you have the initiative, can be a blogger.
You don't have to have a degree in writing or English to start a blog - and it is really, really easy to start. Take it from me and I'm not the most computer savvy person around. Heck, I wouldn't even be in the top 10 in my own family.
Don't be afraid. Take the step and join the party.
You'd be surprised.

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